Customer Service & Complaint Management Cell

  • At LBF PLC we see our customer as our partners and offer superior customer service to gain the highest satisfaction which is one of the fundamental features of our vision. Our constant effort is to make you happy with our services and support. Customer feed backs are constructively taken to improve customer experience and complaints are seriously taken and acted upon to prevent any further negative consequences. we are aware and we can resolve the issue. Any issue brought to our attention is treated in a confidential manner.
  • Please follow the following steps to resolve your concern:
  • Step-1: Contact with the concerned official of your Branch or our Customer Service Centers
    Kindly direct your issue to the relevant branch official who handles your case, specifying how you would prefer the problem to be resolved.
  • Our Branches
    To find out the address and contact details of your branch, please click here.
  • Step-2: Contact Branch Customer Service & Complaints Management Desk (BCS&CMD)
    If your issue remains unresolved at the desk level, you have the option to file a formal complaint with the Branch Manager, who oversees the Branch Level Customer Service & Complaints Management Desk (BCS&CMD)

    Please collect a Complaint Lodgment Form from the Branch Manager, write down your complaints in details and submit it to him. Alternatively, you may call, fax, e-mail or send your own complaint letter to the Branch Manager by post or hand delivery. Click here to download the Complaint Lodgment Form.

    Please note that you can lodge your complaint to the Branch Manager of any branch on any kind of product or service offered by our Company regardless of the branch/division at which you opened an account or the branch/division at which you conducted a financial activity or transaction.
  • Step-3: Contact Customer Service & Complaints Management Cells (CS&CMC)
    If your issue remains unresolved or you are still dissatisfied, you have the option to escalate your complaint to any of the Customer Service & Complaints Management Cells (CS&CMC):

    Dial our 24-hours customer service at 16325 (locally) or +8809611 016325 (from overseas). Or E-mail us at
  • Disclaimer: Please do not write full Card Number (PAN) in mail, files/forms, document etc., instead please use masked. PAN masking format: except first 6 & last 4, other digits will be masked, Ex- (123456******1234)""
    Fax to us at +88 02 58810998
    Send your complaint letter to the address of any one of the following members of the Customer Service & Complaints Management Cell (CS&CMC):
    • Md. Humayun Kabir

      Cluster Head, (Narsindi, Habiganj)

      LankaBangla Finance PLC

      Assurance Nazir Tower, (Level-9), 65/B Kemal Ataturk Avenue, Banani, Dhaka-1213

    • Md Shahinoor Rahman

      Cluster Head, (Bangshal, Keraniganj, Narayanganj)

      Bangshal Branch

      LankaBangla Finance PLC

      Mahmud Tower (Level-8), 19, Siddique Bazar, North South Road, Dhaka-1000

    • Kajal Das

      Cluster Head, (, Savar, Board Bazar, Mymensingh)

      LankaBangla Finance PLC

      Assurance Nazir Tower, (Level-9), 65/B Kemal Ataturk Avenue, Banani, Dhaka-1213

    • Md Mizanur Rahman

      Cluster Head, (Bogura, Dinajpur)

      Bogura Branch

      LankaBangla Finance PLC

      Jamil Shopping center (4th Floor), Rangpur Road, Boro Gola, Bogra sadar, Bogra 5800

    • Mohammad Shahadut Hossain

      Cluster Head, (Jashore, Kushtia, , Faridpur, Barishal)

      Jashore Branch

      LankaBangla Finance PLC

      Universal Mintu Heights (Level 3), 1490, R. N. Road, Jashore-7400

    • Mahabubur Rahman

      Cluster Head, (Chowmuhani)

      Agrabad Branch

      LankaBangla Finance PLC

      Hal's Aster Anwer (14th Floor), 1728 Sheikh Mujib Road, Agrabad, Chattogram-4100

    • Khandakar Zakaria

      Product Head, (Banani, Gulshan, Agrabad, CDA Avenue)

      LankaBangla Finance PLC

      Assurance Nazir Tower, (Level-9), 65/B Kemal Ataturk Avenue, Banani, Dhaka-1213

    • Anayet Hossain

      Product Head, (Motijheel, Dhanmondi, Sylhet, Rajshahi)

      LankaBangla Finance PLC

      Assurance Nazir Tower, (Level-9), 65/B Kemal Ataturk Avenue, Banani, Dhaka-1213

    • Md. Abu Sayed

      Product Head, (Cumilla, Mirpur, Uttara, Khulna)

      LankaBangla Finance PLC

      Assurance Nazir Tower, (Level-9), 65/B Kemal Ataturk Avenue, Banani, Dhaka-1213

  • Step-4: Contact Central Customer Service & Complaints Management Cells (CCS&CMC)
    If your complaint is still unresolved or you are still not satisfied, then you may submit your complaint to the Central Customer Service & Complaints Management Cell (CCS&CMC) in any of the following modes:

    Dial our 24-hours customer service at 16325 (locally) or +8809611 016325 (from overseas).
    E-mail us at
    Fax to us at +88 02 58810998
    Send your complaint letter to the address of any one of the following members of the Central Customer Service & Complaints Management Cell (CCS&CMC):
    For Service Request Issues:
    • Md. Rezowan-Ul- Islam

      Principal Officer

      LankaBangla Finance PLC

      Assurance Nazir Tower, (Level-9), 65/B Kemal Ataturk Avenue, Banani, Dhaka-1213

    • Khandakar Zakaria

      Senior Assistant Vice President

      LankaBangla Finance PLC

      Assurance Nazir Tower, (Level-9), 65/B Kemal Ataturk Avenue, Banani, Dhaka-1213

    For Complaint Issues:
    • Mr. Ujjal Kumar

      Senior Manager

      Enterprise Risk Management

      Lanka Bangla Finance PLC.

      Head Office, Safura Tower, L-14, 20, Kemal Ataturk Avenue, Banani, Dhaka-1213

    • Mr. Mohd. Shafiqul Islam FCMA

      Head of Internal Control & Compliance

      LankaBangla Finance PLC.

      Head Office

      Safura Tower, L-14, 20, Kemal Ataturk Avenue, Banani, Dhaka-1213