• chairman
  • Mr. Mohammad Abdul Moyeen

    • Nationality: Bangladeshi
    • Board Committee(s): Chairman of Board Executive Committee
    • Academic /Professional Qualification(s): Bachelor of Architecture degree from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
    • Present Directorship(s): Air Line Cargo Resources Limited, Arrow Aviation Limited, Anyeshan Limited, AVS Cargo Management Services Limited, APS Logistics International Limited, BizBangla Media Limited, Bengal Meat Processing Industries Limited, Colloid Enterprises Limited, Cross Freight Lines Limited, Cross Freight Limited, Datafort Limited, Expo Express Services Limited, Expo Holdings (BD) Limited, Freight Care Aviation Services Limited, First Forwarding Limited, Freight Options Limited, Global Aviation Services Limited, Interairsea Limited, Innoweb Limited, Infosapex Limited, LankaBangla Investments Limited, LankaBangla Information System Limited, LankaBangla Securities Limited, S.G Logistics (Pvt.) Limited, Standard Paper Products Limited, STS Educational Group Limited, STS Holdings Limited, Swift Logistics Services Limited, The M & M Limited, Tropica Garments Limited, UCL Logistics Limited, Uniworld Logistics Limited, Voytech Limited, WAC Logistics Limited, Wings Express Limited, Wings Logistics Limited, Wings Ocean Freight Limited, Wings Aviation Limited, Wings Spence Aviation Limited, Wings Tours & Travels Limited, Wings Classic Tours & Travels Limited.
    • Mr. Moyeen, is a leading entrepreneur in Bangladesh. He has a Bachelor of Architecture degree from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. Mr. Moyeen is involved in a number of businesses which include, among others, Evercare Hospital Dhaka, International School Dhaka, DPS-STS Schools and WAC Logistics Limited. He is also the Chairman of LankaBangla Securities Limited, a leading brokerage house of the country and LankaBangla Investments Limited, a leading Merchant Bank of the country.
  • Mr. Don Ajanta de Vas Gunasekara

    Director (Representing Sampath Bank PLC)
    • Nationality: Sri Lankan
    • Board Committee(s): N/A
    • Academic /Professional Qualification(s): Associate Member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accounts of UK
    • Present Directorship(s): Sampath Centre Ltd.
  • Director
  • chairman
  • Mrs. Aneesha Mahial Kundanmal

    • Nationality: Bangladeshi
    • Board Committee(s): N/A
    • Academic /Professional Qualification(s): B.A. (Honors) in Public Administration from University of Dhaka
    • Present Directorship(s): Royal Park Residence Hotel
    • Mrs. Kundanmal, has completed B.A. (Honors) in Public Administration from University of Dhaka and is involved with a number of business houses as a leading woman entrepreneur in the country. She is the Director of Royal Park Limited. She is associated with various social and cultural organizations. She is the wife of Mr. B. W. Kundanmal, a renowned business personality.
  • Mr. Abrar Anam Chowdhury

    • Nationality: Bangladeshi
    • Board Committee(s): N/A
    • Academic /Professional Qualification(s): Master of Management & Professional Accounting from University of Toronto. CPA & CA from The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario.
    • Present Directorship(s): Cross Freight Limited
    • Mr. Abrar Chowdhury is a highly accomplished Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) and finance leader with extensive experience across the banking, oil & gas, mining, renewable energy, retail and logistics sectors with specific focus on technical accounting and regulatory reporting in North America.
    • Abrar's expertise extends to his current role as CFO & Country Director at CF Global in Dubai, UAE where he is responsible for developing financial strategies with a global perspective. Prior to that, he held the senior leadership roles within accounting policy and advisory services at Bank of Montreal and Hudson's Bay Company. Abrar began his professional career at PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP in Toronto, Canada.
    • He also holds a Board of Director position with Global Synergies FZCO, an UAE based travel and leisure management company. He has also represented Bank of Montreal on the Canadian Central Banking Association Accounting Policy Sub-Committee.
    • Abrar grew up in Dhaka, Bangladesh, went to boarding school in Dehradun, India and completed his post-secondary education in Toronto, Canada. His distinct educational background has taught him to experience and learn from different cultures. Combined with his affinity for globetrotting, Abrar has developed a leadership brand centered around empathy, empowerment, and continuous improvement. His exceptional interpersonal and communication skills contribute to his ability to build effective and high-performing teams. His continuous pursuit of knowledge and dedication to his profession positions him as a thought leader and a valuable contributor to the finance and accounting landscape.
    • He holds a CPA, CA designation from the Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario, a Master of Management and Professional Accounting (MMPA) from the University of Toronto and an Honours Bachelor of Arts (HBA) in Economics and Industrial Relations from the same institution.
  • Director
  • chairman
  • Mr. M. Fakhrul Alam

    Independent Director
    • Nationality: Bangladeshi
    • Board Committee(s): Member of Board Executive Committee, Board Audit Committee
    • Academic /Professional Qualification(s): MBA from the Institute of Business Administration (IBA), University of Dhaka
    • Present Directorship(s): Independent Director of LankaBangla Securities Limited, LankaBangla Investments Limited & LankaBangla Asset Management Company Limited
  • Mr. Ahmad Ahsanul Munir

    Independent Director
    • Nationality: Bangladeshi
    • Board Committee(s): N/A
    • Academic /Professional Qualification(s): MBA from Indiana University, Fort Wayne, USA
    • Present Directorship(s): N/A
    • Mr. Ahmad Ahsanul Munir, is a seasoned career banker with experience over 35 years serving various banks in United Arab Emirates (Mashreqbank, Union National Bank, Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank & Al Hilal Bank) and Bangladesh (Arab Bangladesh Bank Ltd and Eastern Bank Ltd) under different management capacities. His expertise includes significant exposure in Credit Risk Management, Credit Audit, Operational Audit and Financial Control. He handled credit portfolio of diversified large business groups including contracting, construction, real estates, trade finance, hospitality, education sectors etc in domestic and international locations. He played pivotal roles in development/revision of credit policy/procedure/programs in different banks. He was involved in process re-engineering and conducted in house seminars on credit risk management and Total Quality Management. Post retirement in banking career, Mr. Munir provided consultancy services in United Arab Emirates catering to the corporate sectors. He earned MBA degree from IBA, University of Dhaka and also from Indiana University, USA.
  • chairman
  • Md-CEO
  • Humaira Azam

    Managing Director
    • Nationality: Bangladeshi
    • Board Committee(s): N/A
    • Academic /Professional Qualification(s): Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree in International Relations from the University of Dhaka.
    • Present Directorship(s): N/A
    • Humaira Azam, has joined as the Managing Director of LankaBangla Finance PLC. on August 2024. Humaira Azam, a distinguished leader with 34 years of experience in the financial industry, is known for her exceptional ability to drive business turnarounds and deliver outstanding leadership in challenging and multicultural environments. Humaira Azam is the first female Managing Director (MD) and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of any bank and NBFI in Bangladesh namely Trust Bank Limited and IPDC Finance PLC. Her vast expertise spans corporate and commercial banking, foreign trade, treasury, retail banking, special assets, branch banking, Islamic banking, credit management, capital management, financial institutions and securities.
    • Humaira Azam's illustrious career began in 1990 as a Management Trainee at ANZ Grindlays Bank, where she quickly grew through the ranks to take on various leadership roles. Over the years, she has played a pivotal role in the success of three multinational banks, a financial institution, and two local private banks. Her tenure at HSBC Bangladesh, Standard Chartered Bank, and IPDC Finance PLC, among others, has been marked her ability to develop strong frameworks, expand businesses, and implement successful strategies.
    • Most recently, Humaira Azam served as the Managing Director & CEO of Trust Bank Limited, where she led the bank to significant growth in operating profit, deposit base, and foreign remittance. Her leadership was instrumental in Trust Bank achieving several milestones, including becoming a principal member of VISA, improving its capital base, and earning recognition for its Islamic banking division. Under her outstanding leadership, Trust Bank Limited has been recognized twice as one of the seven banks in the “Sustainability Rating” in the year 2022 and 2023.
    • Humaira Azam is known for her strong leadership qualities, analytical skills, and commitment to excellence. She has been recognized by Oxford as one of the top-tier leaders globally at an advance leadership programme. Additionally, she has completed an advanced leadership program at INSEAD. She was also featured in the top seven most influential women in Islamic business and finance in the WOMANi 2021 and 2022 reports by Cambridge IFA and has received numerous awards, including the "Women of Inspiration Award" by JCI and the "Top Women Bankers Award" by BRAC Bank Limited. She has mentored many of today's top executives in the financial industry. Her career is guided by three core philosophies: hard work, courage to speak the truth, and a commitment to serving clients with honesty, humanity and humility.
    • Humaira Azam holds both a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree in International Relations from the University of Dhaka. Her professional development includes extensive participation in various training programs, workshops, and seminars, both within her home country and internationally.